The Arthur G. Nikelly Fund was established by Eva G. Nikelly, John Nikelly, and Margaret Nikelly in 2012 in memory of Dr. Arthur G. Nikelly, a clinical psychologist and Associate Professor of Health Sciences, who began his career at UIUC in 1959. The Fund contributes towards the expenses of the annual Arthur G. Nikelly lecture series, first established in 2012.
Upcoming Arthur G. Nikelly Lectures
- March 28, 2025 (Eighth)
Dr. Konstantina Zanou (Columbia University)
Sea of Antiquities: The Cesnola Brothers, the Global Mediterranean, and the Making of the Modern Museum

Past Arthur G. Nikelly Lectures
- May 1, 2024 (Seventh)
Dr. Kostis Kornetis (Autonomous University of Madrid)
"Southern European Societies After Authoritarianism: Greece, Spain & Portugal in Conversation"
- May 27, 2021 (Sixth)
Dr. Michalis Sotiropoulos (University of Athens) and Dr. Maria Hadjipolycarpou (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
"Revolutionary Lives: Re-invented Selves During the Greek Revolution of 1821"
- April 17, 2018 (Fifth)
Dr. Andreas Lyberatos, Panteion University
"A Balkan Time? Timekeeping Practices and Attitudes towards Time in Southeastern Europe (16th-early 20thc.)”
- March 2, 2017 (Fourth)
Dr. Sakis Gekas, Associate Professor and Hellenic Heritage Foundation Chair of Modern Greek History, York University, Toronto, Canada
"State and Economy in the 19th-Century Mediterranean: The Case of Greece"
- April 14, 2016 (Third)
Dr. Tassos Anastassiadis, Dept. of History, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
"From Missionary Schools to Franchised Universities: Transnational Interactions and the Transformation of the Greek Educational System"
- April 7, 2014 (Second)
Dr. Gail Holst-Warhaft, Cornell University
"Apologia for 20th Century Modern Greek Music"
- April 8, 2013 (First)
Dr. Thomas Gallant, Nicholas Family Endowed Professor in Modern Greek History, University of California, San Diego
"Writing Greek History in the 21st Century"