Contact Information
4050 LCLB
707 S Mathews Ave
Urbana, IL 61801
707 S Mathews Ave
Urbana, IL 61801
Office Hours
Fall 2024: Tuesday 12:30 pm - 14:30 pm or by appointment
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Eleonora is a third-year graduate student at the department of Classics, UIUC.
Research Interests
- Latin poetry
- Ritual
- Sacrifice
- Blood
- The imagery of the sea
- Reception
- Latin and ancient Greek epic
- Latin and ancient Greek drama
- Ph.D. in Classics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (in progress)
- B.A. in Greek Philology (specialization in Classics), Summa cum Laude, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2018-2022)
Courses Taught
Fall 2022: GRKM 201 - Modern Greek (TA)
Spring 2023: CLCV 115 - Mythology of Greece and Rome (TA)
Fall 2023: GRKM 201 - Modern Greek (TA)
CLCV 115 - Mythology of Greece and Rome (TA)
Spring 2024: LAT 101 - Elementary Latin (TA)
CLCV 115 - Mythology of Greece and Rome (TA)
Fall 2024: GRKM 201 - Modern Greek (TA)
CLCV 115 - Mythology of Greece and Rome (TA)