Contact Information
707 S Mathews Ave
Urbana, IL 61801
Office Hours
Tuesdays, 8:00-9:00 on Zoom
Tuesdays, 2:00-2:50 In-Person
Ariana Traill (B.A. University of Toronto 1991, Ph.D. Harvard 1997) is an Associate Professor in the Department of the Classics. She is also affiliated with Theater Studies and the European Union Center. Her research interests include Greek and Roman comedy, women in antiquity, and the reception of ancient comedy. She is the author of Women and the Comic Plot in Menander (Cambridge, 2008) and co-editor of A Companion to Terence (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, with Antony Augoustakis). Current book projects include a volume on Plautus' Cistellaria for Bloomsbury Ancient Comedy Companions and a translation of Menander's Periceiromene.
Her teaching focuses on Greek and Latin language and literature, with an emphasis on ancient drama and teaching writing skills through advanced composition general education classes. She also works with MAT students and runs annual Classics Summer Camps for children aged 8-11.
Research Interests
Greek and Roman Comedy, Women in Antiquity, Reception of Ancient Comedy
Ph.D. Classical Philology, Harvard 1997
B.A. Classical Philology, University of Toronto 1991
Awards and Honors
Lynn M. Martin Professorial Scholar
Campus Executive Officer Distinguished Leadership Award (2016)
Loeb Classical Library Foundation Fellowship for AY 2010-11
Courses Taught
CLCV 115 Mythology of Greece and Rome
CLCV 220 Roman Comedy and its Influence
CLCV 221 Odysseus and Other Heroes
CLCV 222 Introduction to Greek and Roman Theater (advanced composition)
CLCV 323 The Comic Imagination (advanced composition)
CLCV 550 Introduction to the Teaching of Classics
LAT 201 Intermediate Latin
LAT 202 Introduction to Latin Literature
LAT 401 Survey of Latin Literature
LAT 411 Intermediate Latin Prose Composition
LAT 460 Medieval Latin
LAT 491 Topics in Latin Literature: Roman Comedy, Roman Women Vergil
LAT 511 Advanced Latin Prose Composition
LAT 520 Seminar: Plautus, Roman Comedy
GRK 201 Intermediate Greek
GRK 202 Introduction to Greek Literature
GRK 401 Survey of Greek Literature
GRK 491 Topics in Greek Literature: Aristophanes, Hellenistic Poetry, Homer
GRK 520 Seminar: Menander
Additional Campus Affiliations
Head, Classics
Associate Professor, Classics
Associate Professor, European Union Center
Recent Publications
Traill, A. (2020). Plautus and the Origins of Roman Satire. In S. Papaioannou, & C. Demetriou (Eds.), Plautus’ Erudite Comedy: New Insights into the Work of a doctus poeta (pp. 265-286). (Pierides: Studies in Greek and Latin Literature; Vol. IX). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Traill, A. (2016). Review: A.K. Petrides' Menander, New Comedy and the Visual. Classical World, 109(2), 267-8.
Traill, A. (2016). Review: S. Papaioannou's (ed.) Terence and Interpretation. Journal of Roman Studies, 106, 339-340. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0075435816000216
Traill, A. (2015). Shakespeare and the Roman comic meretrix. In D. Dutsch, & D. Konstan (Eds.), Women in Roman Republican Drama (pp. 213-231). University of Wisconsin Press.
Augoustakis, A., & Traill, A. (2013). A companion to Terence. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118301975