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Vaughn Harry Fenton

Profile picture for Vaughn Harry Fenton

Contact Information

4068 Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics Building
707 S Mathews Ave
Urbana, IL 61801
Graduate Teaching Assistant


Hi! My name is Vaughn Fenton. I am a graduate student here at UIUC in the Classics department. I'm a historian of the ancient Mediterranean, and my main interests are Ancient Carthage and Ancient militaries, with a particular interest in Late Antique militaries. I've written a number of Youtube videos for Invicta History which chronicle the rise and fall of Carthage, helped co-host the Association of Ancient Historians conference at the University of Illinois in 2021, and in the 2021-2022 academic year held an editorial assistantship with the Illinois Classical Studies journal. In my free time, I enjoy sci-fi and painting models.

Research Interests


Ancient Militaries

Late Antique Militaries


B.A. Virginia Tech, History and Classics double major, minor War and Society

Courses Taught

CLCV 115 Mythology of Greece and Rome Discussion Section

LA 314 History of World Landscapes Discussion Section

CLCV 114 Introduction to Ancient Greek Culture (TA)

CLCV 116 Introduction to Ancient Roman Culture (TA)

CLCV 231 Development of Ancient Cities (TA)