Incoming and current undergraduate and graduate students are eligible. U.S nationality or permanent residence is required. Graduate students may receive a full tuition fee waiver and a stipend of $15,000 over an academic year (eligibility for tuition waivers vary by home department and school). Undergraduate students receive $10,000 for tuition fees and $5,000 stipend. Application deadline is in February of every year.

Information sessions for students interested in applying to FLAS will be held on Tuesday, November 28th in Gregory Hall 100 and Wednesday, November 29th in Gregory Hall 319 at 4:00 P.M. We will be discussing requirements and eligibility. We will be walking through the application, and answering questions about the process and fellowship. FLAS Coordinators from individual Centers will be in attendance and available to students for discussion and questions. Find the event flyer here.
The U.S. Department of Education, which underwrites the FLAS program, has not yet notified us, or any other College or University in the United States, about our allocation for the 2018-2022 FLAS funding cycle. This includes the coming academic year (2018-19). In anticipation of receiving this funding, the application will include all UIUC Centers that have applied for Title VI FLAS Fellowship allocations. However, a Center cannot guarantee an academic year fellowship without notification of their FLAS allocation. Summer 2018 funding is already granted for CAS, CGS, CLACS, EUC, and REEEC.
- Mary Casey (Graduate, Comparative and World Literature) (AY 2018-19)
- Emme Deamont (Undergraduate, Food Science & Human Nutrition) (AY 2015-16)
- Jordan Schmitt (Undergraduate, Actuarial Sciences) AY 2015-16)
- Lindsay Ozburn (Graduate, EUC) (AY 2015-16)
- Hephestion Bolaris (Undergraduate, Classics) (AY 2013-14)
- Michelle Asbill (Graduate, EUC) (AY 2013-14)
- Jenna Tsarpalas (Undergraduate, Global Studies) ( AY 2010-11)