• 2019-10-09 - Alex Augustynski makes the most of a prestigious student summer program in Greece! Full story is found here.
  • 2019-10-03 - Professor Antony Augoustakis has just co-edited a new book on loyalty and trust in Flavian literature with Professors Emma Buckley (St. Andrews) and Claire Stocks (Newcastle). The book was published by the University of Toronto Press in September 2019.
  • 2019-10-02 - Students in Professor Bosak-Schroeder's CLCV 114: Introduction to Greek Culture visit the Spurlock Museum every few weeks to discover a "mystery" object from the collection. For example, they studied a reproduction of the famous Mask of Agamemnon after reading selections from Homer's Iliad.   
  • 2019-09-13 - Professor Antony Augoustakis is one of the five professors named University Scholars for Urbana-Champaign campus. A professor and head of Classics, Augoustakis researches the cultural poetics and the sociopolitics of Flavian poetry. His “accomplishments in the areas of research, teaching and service, and his national and international...
  • 2019-09-04 - Professor Antony Augoustakis was interviewed for the Illinois Alumni Magazine Fall 2019 and talks about the Classics and beyond. You can find the interview here.
  • 2019-09-03 - The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Fall 2019 magazine features article on Professor William Abbot Oldfather and his legacy for the Department and the Classics Library at Illinois.
  • 2019-08-26 - Professor Antony Augoustakis is co-organizing an international conference in Udine, Italy, with Professor Marco Fucecchi of the University of Udine on the topic of "Return to the Future: Silius Italicus’ Punica in the Tradition of Latin Historical Epic / Ritorno al future: I Punica di Silio Italico nella tradizione dell’epica storica romana" on September 10 and 11, 2019....
  • 2019-05-31 - "Meet the Romans” and “Meet the Greeks” summer camps for children 9-12 will be offered one extra week, June 24-28, 2019. Camps run five days a week, mornings (8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.), afternoons (1-5 p.m.), or full-day sessions (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m). For info & registration, click here or contact camps director...
  • 2019-05-01 -   The Department of the Classics announces the establishment of the George N. Reveliotis Family Hellenic Studies Endowment of $1.5 million. Thanks to the generosity of alumnus George Reveliotis, this endowment will support Classics and Hellenic studies through scholarships and fellowships, in addition to a professorship in the near future. For the full story, click ...
  • 2019-05-01 - The Department of the Classics announces the establishment of the George N. Reveliotis Family Hellenic Studies Endowment of $1.5 million. Thanks to the generosity of alumnus George Reveliotis, this endowment will support Classics and Hellenic studies through scholarships and fellowships, in addition to a professorship in the near future. For the full story, click...
  • 2019-04-22 - Christopher Gipson received the Fowler-Merle-Smith Fellowship from the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) to support a full year of study in Greece for 2019-20. Read the full story here.
  • 2019-04-10 - The 2018-19 competition and application for the Houston Papademetriou awards are available here with a deadline of May 17, 2019.
  • 2019-04-09 - In collaboration with the National Hellenic Museum in Chicago, we are presenting a talk by Professor Andromache Karanika of the University of California at Irvine on "WORK AND WEDDING SONGS: PERSPECTIVES ON THE GREEK FEMALE NOSTOS FROM ANTIQUITY AND BEYOND" on May 2 at 6 pm. https://www.nationalhellenicmuseum.org/event/nostos-lecture-andromachne-karanika/
  • 2019-03-26 - Illinois Classics undergraduates Brendan Labbe and Alexander Augustynski participated in the 2019 Eta Sigma Phi convention at St. Olaf's College. In the annual Certamen, they received second place, and Alex was elected to the national office of Treasurer (Chrysophylax). Undergraduate Greek student Yanxin Li received 1st place in the national translation competition of Koine Greek...
  • 2019-03-26 -   A series of lectures in collaboration with the National Hellenic Museum in Chicago and the Department of the Classics at UIUC (Spring 2019). Professor Angeliki Tzanetou will moderate the talks.  May 2, 2019: Andromache Karanika (University of California, Irvine): ...