The News Gazette published a tribute to Professor Scanlan's Mythology class, taught for generations of students at Illinois.
The full story is found...
Professor Clara Bosak Schroeder is co-curating a new exhibition at Krannert Art Museum called “Hive,” combining two 18-foot-tall inflatable sculptures and an immersive sound installation. The project involves two artists collaborating for the first time by making an installation...
Professor Antony Augoustakis has just co-edited a new book on loyalty and trust in Flavian literature with Professors Emma Buckley (St. Andrews) and Claire Stocks (Newcastle). The book was published by the University of Toronto Press in September 2019.
Professor Antony Augoustakis was interviewed for the Illinois Alumni Magazine Fall 2019 and talks about the Classics and beyond. You can find the interview here.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Fall 2019 magazine features article on Professor William Abbot Oldfather and his legacy for the Department and the Classics Library at Illinois.
Professor Antony Augoustakis is co-organizing an international conference in Udine, Italy, with Professor Marco Fucecchi of the University of Udine on the topic of "Return to the Future: Silius Italicus’ Punica in the Tradition of Latin Historical Epic / Ritorno al future: I ...
"Meet the Romans” and “Meet the Greeks” summer camps for children 9-12 will be offered one extra week, June 24-28, 2019. Camps run five days a week, mornings (8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.), afternoons (1-5 p.m.), or full-day sessions (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m). For info & registration, click...
Illinois Classics undergraduates Brendan Labbe and Alexander Augustynski participated in the 2019 Eta Sigma Phi convention at St. Olaf's College. In the annual Certamen, they received second place, and Alex was elected to the national office of Treasurer (Chrysophylax). Undergraduate...