Contact Information
707 S Mathews Ave
Urbana, IL 61801
Office Hours
Wednesdays, 2:00-2:50
Maria Hadjipolycarpou is a Teaching Assistant Professor in Modern Greek Studies specializing in post-colonial and Mediterranean studies. She earned her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Michigan. Her research delves into the intersections of autobiography, politics, and narrative communities in post-colonial literatures of the Eastern Mediterranean. Her work also encompasses Greek literature and culture, the interplay between religion, modernity, and the state in the Eastern Mediterranean, and themes of gender and sexuality in postcolonial literature. Her interests extend to global studies, poetry, and orality with a particular focus on the Mediterranean and Caribbean regions. Her scholarship emphasizes the historical significance of islands in imperial projects and she is completing a book on post-colonial narrative communities in the Eastern Mediterranean. She has a forthcoming study on identities and peaceful coexistence in post-secular societies under review with De Gruyter. Maria has presented her research extensively across the United States, Canada, and Europe and has actively organized panels for MLA, ACLA, and MGSA. Before joining Illinois she was a Visiting Fellow at the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies at New York University (2016-2017) and a James A. Winn Graduate Student Fellow at the Institute for the Humanities at the University of Michigan (2013-2014). She taught at Columbia University (2014 - 2017) and at The City University of New York, Queens College (2017- 2019).
Doctor of Philosophy, Comparative Literature, University of Michigan
Master of Arts, Higher Education Administration, Purdue University
Master of Arts, Comparative Literature, Purdue University
Bachelor of Arts, Modern Greek and Byzantine Literature, University of Cyprus
Courses Taught
- GRKM 260 The Poetry of C. P. Cavafy
- CLCV 120 Storytelling and Transformation.
- GRKM 201 & 202 Elementary Modern Greek
- GRKM 403 & 404 Intermediate Greek