• 2016-09-25 - The Heartland Graduate Workshop in Ancient Studies was held on September 30 - October 1, 2016 at Lucy Ellis Lounge, 1080 Foreign Languages Building, sponsored by the Department of the Classics. See here for the conference website.
  • 2016-08-16 - Please welcome Katharine Kreindler (Ph.D. Stanford) to the Dept. of the Classics as the new visiting position in archaeology for 2016-17. Dr. Kreindler has extensive experience excavating in Italy. Her research focuses on consumption and exchange in central Italy (specifically, Poggio Civitate, where she will be spending the summer conducting field work) and she has recent teaching experience at...
  • 2016-08-16 - Please welcome Serena Witzke (Ph.D. UNC-Chapel Hill) to the Dept. of the Classics as the new visiting position in Classics and Classical Reception for 2016-17. Dr. Witzke specializes in Roman and Greek comedy, women and gender in the ancient world, and the reception of the classical tradition. Her dissertation focused on Oscar Wilde and the ancient comic recognition plot. A recent publication, "...
  • 2016-08-02 - Antony Augoustakis has just published a collection of articles in the series Oxford Readings in Classical Studies, Titled Flavian Epic. The epics of the three Flavian poets-Silius Italicus, Statius, and Valerius Flaccus-have, in recent times, attracted the attention of scholars, who have re-evaluated the particular merits of Flavian poetry as far more than...
  • 2016-07-01 - "The summer of 2016 I spent taking an immersive course in Latin and a supplementary course in Ancient Greek at the Accademia Vivarium Novum was a unique and, for me, very enriching experience. The philosophy, that these “dead” languages can only truly be comprehended if we learn to speak and write as the ancient authors did, completely changed my perspective on Classical literature. From learning...
  • 2016-05-15 - Ariana Traill, Department Head for Classics, was awarded the Campus Executive Officer Distinguished Leadership Award. The ceremony to receive this prestigious award is scheduled for Wednesday, May 11, at 4 p.m. at the Alice Campbell Alumni Center. Congratulations Ariana!
  • 2016-03-16 - Professor Antony Augoustakis led the 112th meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South as the association’s President (March 16-18, 2016) in Williamsburgh,VA. His presidential, address “Visualizing Epic”, was delivered at the meeting’s banquet on Friday evening. A huge contingent of Illinois faculty and undergraduate and graduate students attended, delivering papers at the...
  • 2016-03-15 - Composed at the end of the first century CE, Statius' Thebaid recounts the civil war in Thebes between the two sons of Oedipus, Polynices and Eteocles, and the horrific events that take place on the battlefield. Its author, the Roman poet Statius, employed a wide variety of Greco-Roman sources in order to narrate the Argive expedition against Thebes and the fratricidal war....
  • 2016-01-07 - Classics is proud to recognize Antony Augoustakis as winner of one of this year's Society for Classical Studies Awards For Excellence in College Teaching. Every semester the University of Illinois publishes a list of teachers ranked as excellent by their students. And virtually every semester Dr. Antony Augoustakis’s name appears on that list, whether he teaches an introductory course on Roman...
  • 2015-07-01 - "I spent the summer visiting and studying archaeological sites throughout Rome, its surrounding area, and Pompeii. We were also given special access to several sites not available to the public. It was truly an amazing experience to walk where the Romans walked and to see many Roman artifacts in person, all while still studying classics, reading Latin, and learning about pedagogy from Genevieve...
  • 2015-06-29 - Antony Augoustakis is the recipient of a 2015 Campus Distinguished Promotion Award. The award from the Provost's office, given upon the recommendation of the Campus Committee on Promotion and Tenure, recognizes exceptional contributions in the area of scholarship, teaching, service and engagement efforts. Antony shares the award, which comes with a discretionary fund to support scholarly...
  • 2015-05-01 - The Classics Department is pleased to announce that Dr. James Kruck has accepted a position as visiting lecturer this spring. Dr. Kruck received his Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario, with a dissertation on the translation practices of Roman poets, particularly the Augustans, entitled "The Modalities of Roman Translation: Source-representative, Allusive, and Independent." He has since...
  • 2015-05-01 - The Department congratulates Antony Augoustakis, who is now president of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South(CAMWS).
  • 2014-07-01 - "While being partially funded by our department’s Classics Travel Award, I was fortunate enough to spend 5 weeks of this past summer participating in a Latin program in Rome. The program, Living Latin in Rome, was offered by the Paideia Institute and focused on an appreciation for Latin as the living language it was and how it still is today. It was incredible to spend my summer in a program...
  • 2014-05-16 - The award ceremony is being held at the Workman Gallery of Ancient Mediterranean Cultures, Spurlock Museum. Here are some of the highlights of the evening: