• 2014-01-01 - Please join us in congratulating Professor Augoustakis on being named a College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Centennial Scholar. In 2013-14, LAS will be celebrating its 100th anniversary. Ten of these positions were created to confer special recognition of faculty who demonstrably raise the stature and visibility of the units and college.  We are very proud to be able to share this good...
  • 2013-07-01 - "The ASCA Summer Program is undoubtedly one of the greatest experiences of my life thus far. The program has affected my life and studies in a number of ways and as a result, it has become very important to me. I feel as though I have a much better handle on certain aspects of my studies. I can really see how the landscape formed much of Greek religion, philosophical thought, and politics. I...
  • 2013-06-01 - Ritual and Religion in Flavian Epic Edited by Antony Augoustakis This edited collection addresses the role of ritual representations and religion in the epic poems of the Flavian period (69-96 CE): Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica, Silius Italicus' Punica, Statius' Thebaid, and the unfinished ...
  • 2013-05-13 - After becoming bored with the biology involved in pre-medicine, uninterested in organic chemistry and apathetic toward accounting, Julia Henninger, senior in LAS, began pursuing her fourth and final major: classics. See more here in the daily illini news.  
  • 2013-01-01 - Professor Kirk Sanders of the Department of the Classics has been named a recipient of the Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. He will be recognized at the Celebration of Teaching Excellence scheduled for April 23 at the Alice Campbell Alumni Center. The peer-nominated award recognizes professors, instructional staff members and graduate teaching assistants who display...
  • 2012-01-01 - "Sebastian Anderson's Classics MA thesis on Archilochus was selected to represent the University of Illinois at the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) Distinguished Master's Thesis Award. This is a very competitive process, and we are thrilled that Sebastian's thesis will represent the University."   
  • 2012-01-01 - It is our great pleasure to announce that Professor Brian Walters, currently visiting, will be joining us permanently. He has just accepted our offer of a tenure-track position. Professor Walters, PhD University of California at Los Angeles (2011), is a specialist in Latin Prose Literature (Violence in Cicero). He holds a visiting appointment at our Department this year. He is in the process of...
  • 2012-01-01 - After fending off Persia in the fifth century BCE, Athens assumed a leadership position in the Aegean world. Initially it led the Delian League, a military alliance against the Persians, but eventually the league evolved into an empire with Athens in control and exacting tribute from its former allies. Athenians justified this subjection of their allies by emphasizing their fairness and...