The Classics Department is offering two travel awards to be used between June 2025 & June 2026. The award amount of up to $2,000 may be used for any program that focuses on the Greek or Latin language, including pedagogy and/or oral Greek/Latin; Greek or Roman literature, history or culture; or Greek or Roman art, architecture and archaeology, including participation in excavations.
This award is made possible through the generous support of alumni & friends of the Classics Department
All full-time students who have declared a major or minor in Classics are eligible to apply for this award. Women & minorities are encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to Classics majors.
Please submit the following items collected into a single PDF to Kirk Sanders, Chair, Committee on Honors and Awards ( by the deadlines of February 15, 2025 (1st Round) & April 1, 2025 (2nd Round). The winners will be notified on or before March 1, 2024 (1st Round) & April 15, 2024 (2nd Round). The award will be announced formally at the Classics Awards Ceremony at the I-Hotel Technology Room on Friday, May 10, 2024 from 4:00-6:00PM. To get to the I-Hotel from LCLB, take the 10W GOLD Bus from the stop at the intersection of Goodwin & Gregory in front of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority house & get off at the intersection of First & St. Mary's on the Northwest corner.
- Identify your proposed program with links to relevant information.
- Briefly describe yourself and your academic interests and the benefits you expect to gain from participating in this program (300-500 words).
- Please submit a budget for this program, including estimates for essential expenses such as tuition, travel, lodging and meals.
- Please submit a current resume, including work experience, campus and community activities, high/school/university honors and awards. A phone number can be helpful but is not required.
- Please submit a PDF of your academic transcript.
- Do you qualify for financial aid or a Pell grant? Please provide documentation, as special consideration will be given to students who qualify for financial aid.
Awards will be made on the basis of the merits of the plan of study, academic performance in Classics courses, and financial need. All funds will be paid in the form of reimbursements, via your student account.
Sample Classics Study Abroad Opportunities
Faculty-lead short-term program in Athens
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Summer Seminars
The Archaeology of Caves in Greece: Cult and Life through the Ages
Locating Ancient Gender and Sexuality
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Agora Excavation Volunteers program
American University in Rome, Summer I program
Berkley Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology Field School
Conventicula (online Latin immersion workshops)
Cosa (Italy) Excavations Field Season
Greek Studies On Site, Ancient Greek Mythology
Greek Studies On Site, Ancient Greek Philosophy in Context
Harvard Summer Program in Greece
Hellenic Education Research Center (run by the Archaeological Service of the Greek Ministry of Culture)
Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome
Istituto Lorenzo De’ Medici
Paideia Institute
Poggio Civitate (Italy) Field School
San Gemini Preservation Studies
UCLA Travel Study, Classics and History: Exploring Ancient Rome
UCLA Travel Study, History: Ancient Greece
University of Bologna, Summer School in Classical Languages
Marilyn MacLaren attended the Santa Susana Archaeological Project in Redondo, Portugal, Summer, 2024
Tallulah Jane Trezevant presented the paper "Depictions of Slavery in Roman New Comedy" at the CAMWS annual meeting in St. Louis, MO, Spring, 2024
Lily Lisnic attended the Incoronata Field School in Basilicata, Italy, Summer, 2024
Tallulah Jane Trezevant attended the Santa Susana Archaeological Project in Redondo, Portugal, Summer, 2023
Annalise Hart attended the Santa Susana Archaeological Project in Redondo, Portugal, Summer, 2023
Lily Lisnic attended the Incoronata Field School in Southern Italy, Summer 2023
Nicola D'Andrea attended the Lorenzo di Medici Summer Program in Florence, Summer, 2022
Tallulah Jane Trezevant attended the Santa Susana Archaeological Project in Redondo, Portugal, Summer, 2022
No award presented in 2021 or 2020
Alexander Augustynski attended the ASCSA Summer Seminar in Summer, 2019
Sneha Adusumilli attended the Poggio Civitate Excavation in Summer, 2018
Nina Hopkins attended the Poggio Civitate Excavation in Summer, 2017
Hephestion Bolaris attended the 2016 Accademia Vivarium Novum Summer School in Rome
James Stark attended the 2015 American Academy in Rome Classical Summer School
Audrey Majors attended the 2014 Summer Living Latin in Rome Program