Undergraduate students are eligible for the George N. Reveliotis Family Endowment scholarships when studying abroad in Greece through an approved program such as the Illinois in Athens program or a short-term program such as an archaeological field school (see sample programs below). Applicants are required to demonstrate scholastic excellence in Classics and a keen interest in Hellenism. This year’s (2024-2025) scholarships start at a minimum of $2500. The first round of applications for Summer & Fall programs are due February 15, 2025. There will be a second round of applications due April 1, 2025.
These awards are made possible through the generous support of George N. Reveliotis. Reveliotis (BA, ’96, history), a father of four, is the founder and managing partner in Reveliotis Law, P.C., a property tax and real estate law firm in Park Ridge, Illinois. He serves as the president of the Pan-Arcadian Federation of America and a board member of the Greek American Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. He is also on the board of advisors of the PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation.
All full-time students are eligible to apply for this award. Priority will be given to Classics majors and minors.
February 15, 2025(1st Round), April 1, 2025(2nd Round) September 15, 2024(Fall Round)
For the Summer & Fall 2024 rounds, preference will be given to applications for Illinois in Athens though other programs will be considered. Please submit the following items collected into a single PDF to Kirk Sanders, Chair, Committee on Honors and Awards (ksanders@illinois.edu) no later than February 15, 2025 (1st Round), April 1, 2025 (2nd Round) or September 15, 2024 (Fall round). This is also the deadline for Illinois in Athens applications (but as they are permitting rolling admissions, it may be possible to accommodate applications that come in later). The winners will be notified on or before March 1, 2025(1st Round) & April 15, 2025(2nd Round).
- Identify your program.
- Briefly describe yourself and your academic interests and the benefits you expect to gain from participating in this program (300-500 words).
- Please submit a budget for this program, including estimates for essential expenses such as tuition, travel, lodging and meals.
- Please submit a current resume, including work experience, campus and community activities, high/school/university honors and awards. A phone number can be helpful but is not required.
- Please submit a PDF of your academic transcript.
- Do you qualify for financial aid or a Pell grant? Please provide documentation, as special consideration will be given to students who qualify for financial aid.
Awards will be made on the basis of the merits of the plan of study, academic performance in Classics courses, and financial need. All funds will be paid in the form of reimbursements via your student account. Awards will be presented at the Classics Award Ceremony held at the I-Hotel Technology Room on Friday, May 10, 2024. To get to the I-Hotel from LCLB, take the 10W GOLD Bus from the stop at the intersection of Goodwin & Gregory in front of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority house & get off at the intersection of First & St. Mary's on the Northwest corner.
Sample Greek Study Abroad Opportunities
Excavations At Argilos, Greece (Field School/Volunteer Program),
Excavating At The Spartan Sanctuary Of Apollo Amyklaios (Peloponnese-Greece)
The Epigraphy Of The Aegean Islands: Studying Greek Inscriptions On Paros (Greece)
Excavating In Ancient Messene In The Peloponnese (Greece)
Southern Phokis Regional Project
Introduction To Bioarchaeology Course
Jews And Early Christians In The Graeco-Roman World: The Cases Of Athens, Corinth And Delos
Balkan Heritage Field School Workshops for Interventive & Preventive Conservation of Metal, Paper and Textiles, Zakynthos, Greece
Berkley Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology Field School
Hellenic Education Research Center
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Summer Seminars
The Archaeology of Caves in Greece: Cult and Life through the Ages
Locating Ancient Gender and Sexuality
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Agora Excavation Volunteers program
College Year in Athens, fall, winter, spring and summer programs
Greek Studies On Site, Ancient Greek Mythology
Greek Studies On Site, Ancient Greek Philosophy in Context
Harvard Summer Program in Greece
UCLA Travel Study, History: Ancient Greece
Modern Greek Courses University of Athens
Modern Greek Language Courses – Omilo
Paideia Institute: Living Greek in Greece
School of Modern Greek - University of Cyprus